Please call 754-277-4120 to schedule an appointment at our convenient location in Fort Lauderdale. Dr. Michael Frederick also serves the surrounding Broward County towns of Weston, Hollywoood and Cooper City. We also welcome patients from the Miami area, including Aventura and Coral Gables. Dr. Frederick also has strong ties to our Palm Beach neighbors from Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens and Jupiter.
About Tummy Tuck Surgery
Many procedures devoted to sculpting a better body have been developed in the past century. Modern body contouring methods date back to 1870, when surgeons pioneered a procedure to repair umbilical hernias. [2] Today, the tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) has been perfected by plastic surgeons and surgical methods deliver effective, attractive results to the abdominal wall. Patients can now look forward to a further enhanced procedure with the combination of a tummy tuck procedure and SAFELipo. Once the appropriate incisions are made, Dr. Frederick will use this fat removal solution to create a beneficial aesthetic for patients. Standing for Separation, Aspiration, and Fat Equalization, the SAFE liposuction technique, which more effectively removes fat. Below is how we utilize this technology: [3]
- Separation: Dr. Frederick utilizes a small cannula to separate fat from the surrounding tissue. Tumescent fluid is injected into the treated area to emulsify and loosen fat.
- Aspiration: The process removes unwanted fat with a gentle suction from a cannula. This is done without causing damage to surrounding tissue.
- Fat Equalization: Equalization of fat is the final step of the process. The remaining layer of fat is evened out for a smooth, consistent surface. This causes fewer surface irregularities, bumps, or indentations visible under the skin.
Loose skin may also be removed, and Dr. Frederick may tighten the stomach muscles for better abdominal support. To tighten muscles, surgical sutures may be used.
Tummy Tuck Benefits
The benefits of a typical tummy tuck go beyond aesthetic rejuvenation and improve muscular function. Tummy tucks offer patients a smoother, taut abdominal core. You're sure to leave our office with a newfound sense of self-esteem and better movement. You can enjoy these other benefits too:
- Slimmer waistline
- Repaired stretched abdominal muscles
- Flatter, smoother stomach
- Increase in wardrobe options
- Long-lasting results
Tummy Tuck Candidates
Abdominoplasty may be a solution for those who want to achieve a tighter, firmer midsection. Patients with excess skin and fat caused by aging, past surgeries, and weight change may benefit from the surgery. As a part of the “mommy makeover,” a tummy tuck repairs damaged muscles and flattens the abdomens for women who have recently given birth. Dr. Frederick recommends prospective candidates be mindful of the following criteria: [1][3]
- Be physically healthy and at a stable weight
- Have loose, hanging, or lax skin in the abdomen because of pregnancy or significant weight loss
- Are not pregnant or planning future pregnancies
- Should not treat the surgery as a weight loss solution
- Be committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle after surgery
- Have sensible expectations of your cosmetic surgery results
Le Spa Plastic Surgery can help you achieve the abdominal aesthetic you want. Contact us for a consultation by filling out our online form or by calling 754-704-2427 to reach a customer care representative at either office.
Your Tummy Tuck Consultation
Nestled in the heart of Fort Lauderdale, Le Spa Plastic Surgery offers patients individualized, concierge care. Dr. Michael Frederick has years of experience bestowing patients with excellent results. To learn more about how Dr. Mike has changed patients' lives for the better, just take a look at his patient's glowing reviews!
Your consultation with Dr. Frederick is a two-way conversation that addresses your concerns and lets us understand how we can help meet your needs. First, we'll review your medical history and perform a physical examination of your abdominal area. This will be your chance to tell us your ideal aesthetic. The more definitive your expectations are, the easier it will be for us to find a solution to achieve them. Once we've developed your treatment plan, we'll explain how your tummy tuck will provide an optimized look and improved performance for your abdominal muscles, especially if you've undergone massive weight loss. Depending on the condition of your abdomen and your desired results, we will decide between a mini, full, and extended tummy tuck. After we've finalized everything, you'll be given a complete estimate of your tummy tuck cost and a list of items to complete before surgery. They should be followed carefully to ensure a streamlined process with great results.
Tummy Tuck Preparation
Le Spa Plastic Surgery places patient safety and experience above all else. To prepare, Dr. Frederick will supply you with instructions that are specific to you. Below is a general guideline for what to do beforehand:
- Prepare to give up smoking a few weeks before surgery and for the entire recuperation process. Smoking can significantly affect the surgery and the healing process.
- Adjust medications. Blood thinners and over-the-counter painkillers such as aspirin and ibuprofen can increase the chance of excessive bleeding during surgery.
- Go to the drug store and fill any prescriptions ordered by Dr. Frederick so that you'll have them on hand after your procedure.
- Ask a trusted friend or family member to provide transportation home and assistance for the first day of your recovery.
- Prepare a comfortable place to rest and recover, with essentials within close reach. You will need to avoid laying flat on your back to avoid putting strain on your healing incisions, so make sure you have a comfortable recliner or plenty of pillows.
The Tummy Tuck Procedure
The tummy tuck is performed as an outpatient procedure. Before we get started, you'll be administered general anesthesia or IV sedation to ensure your comfort. Your exact pathway to a taut midsection may look different depending on your condition. Your consultation will determine which tummy tuck method is best for you. Here are the two approaches:
Patients with modest amounts of excess skin and fat will benefit from the mini abdominoplasty. First, Dr. Frederick makes a small incision just above the pubic hair and follows the same steps as a traditional abdominoplasty, removing excess fat from the lower abdomen and redraping the skin. Dr. Frederick also removes excess skin before the incision is sutured closed. Weak muscles are not tightened during this procedure. The mini tummy tuck scar can easily be hidden under the bikini line.
A full tummy tuck procedure is used to treat the most common causes of excess skin and damaged abdominal muscles. Dr. Frederick begins by making an incision that runs along the lower abdomen, just above the pubic area and extends between the hip bones. Another encircles the navel to preserve the natural location of the belly button. Next, stubborn body fat below the skin will be liposuctioned out using a small cannula. Separated muscles are restored to correct diastasis recti. Next, he'll drape the skin firmly over your newly contoured abdomen, removing excess skin and creating a new opening to accommodate the intact belly button. Finally, the incision is sutured closed once the appropriate skin has been excised. [1]
Tummy Tuck Recovery
Recovery from a tummy tuck should take place within 3-6 months. With each passing week, your new results will show and your symptoms will improve. While every patient heals differently, below is a general guideline of what to expect:
- Plan to take it easy during the first week of recovery. You may have limited movement but be sure to take short walks regularly to maintain good circulation and prevent blood clots. Straining your body can result in poor wound healing.
- Minimize tension on the wound by resting and sleeping in an inclined position.
- Mild discomfort, soreness, and swelling may be felt during the first few weeks. Take the prescribed medication as directed by Dr. Frederick for the first 3-6 days, then transition to ibuprofen.
- You may return to light activities and desk work within 2-4 weeks. After that, avoid strenuous movement for an additional six weeks.
- A compression guard or abdominal binder will be given to you to wear for two weeks to maintain the integrity of your results. It may be paired with drainage tubes at the incision site to manage excess fluid buildup.
Tummy Tuck Results
Patients are thrilled with their surgical procedure results. Once the recovery period is over, they see a noticeable difference in their midsection. The optimized body profile allows better movement, more clothing options, and heightened self-confidence. The results are yours to keep for years as long as you're committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a proper diet and regular exercise.
Corresponding & Complementary Procedures
Le Spa Plastic Surgery offers patients a wide range of procedures to target various parts of the body. Some of them can be combined with your tummy tuck procedure or performed separately. Patients considering a tummy tuck may also benefit from:
- Brazilian Butt Lift: Patients wanting to add natural-looking substance to their backside can do so with a simple BBL procedure. Dr. Frederick utilizes novel techniques like total subcutaneous Expansion Vibration Lipofilling or EVL to optimize results.
- Breast Augmentation: This surgical enhancement alters the size and shape of the breasts with the use of an implant. The end result is a projected, perkier profile.
- Breast Lift / Reduction: A lift corrects lax breast tissue caused by pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight loss, or aging. This procedure involves removing excess breast tissue from the chest o that the breasts are lifted, and the nipple is raised to a higher location for enhanced projection. Conversely, a reduction uses the same techniques as a lift but reduces the size of the breasts to alleviate the physical and psychological demands of larger breasts.